我们要感谢我们的许多合作伙伴公司, which consistently support us in delivering the best performance for your components cleaning tasks and surface treatment.
除了, we provide you with interesting sources and websites that provide comprehensive information on all aspects of industrial cleaning technology, 清洁化学品和零件处理.
The Trade Association for Industrial Parts 清洁 (FiT) promotes the exchange between research, 工业清洗技术的发展与应用. FiT的一切活动的中心是它的委员会和工作组, 其中收集了行业的知识, 编写并提供给不同的目标群体. 通过定期培训, workshops and conferences the professionals in the industry are constantly qualified and equipped with the necessary tools. The tasks of FiT also include the professional and political representation of interests at national and European level. 拥有70多名成员, the “Navigator of Parts 清洁” is one of the largest competence network for industrial parts cleaning and represents well-known companies in the fields of plant engineering, 化学, 分析以及用户和研究机构.
fairXperts GmbH是一家 & Co. KG拥有超过30年的设计经验, 组织举办市场化、专门化的技术交易会, 研讨会及贸易大会. 特别是零件清洗, 去毛刺技术和精密表面, 并与FiT - Fachverband industrielle teilreininge合作.V.,我们提供广泛的知识转移和资格认证服务.
该协会代表行业利益,服务于1,350家公司和54家,500名员工. It is committed to rapid patient access to innovation and high-quality standards. 瑞士医疗技术公司还启动了专门的培训项目, 挑战不断提高的监管水平, 推动自由贸易和公平关税. 与其专家小组和合作伙伴一起, the Association is committed to favourable conditions and to an attractive setting for research and other professional activities within Switzerland. 瑞士医疗技术在监管方面为其成员提供支持和建议, legal, 以及集体谈判问题, and provides regular updates on the latest economic and political developments. Further activities include organizing events and meetings - such as the 瑞士医学技术 Day. Networking within the industry will also remain an important focus of the association.
MedicalMountains GmbH is an organization for networking and supporting all key players in the medical technology sector. MedicalMountains GmbH promotes dialogue, combines strengths and creates platforms for exchange. Cooperation and synergies are made possible through strategic and systematic coordination: Cooperation and mutual benefit with regional, national and international partners provide small and medium-sized enterprises in particular with an important knowledge and technology advantage.
作为一个独立的知识和网络组织, Mikrocentrum has been supporting the technical manufacturing industry for over 50 years with Training, 活动及业务. Mikrocentrum offers over 170 (technical) courses and annually organize 6 trade fairs, 5个商业活动和15个主题活动. 除了这些活动, microcentrum为公司提供高科技平台的会员资格, 现在有600名成员. 目的是增加知识, 扩大网络, improve business processes and to strengthen the competitive position of companies by working closely with a large network of industrial organizations, (半)政府, 知识与教育机构.
The European Research Association for thin films (EFDS) is a non-profit association and is active in the field of thin film technology. The office is located in Dresden - in the center of the European semiconductor industry and in an important center of vacuum engineering.
The EFDS is represented by its member companies and institutions and their personal members as well as by 10 board members, 咨询委员会和专家委员会的众多成员, 全国协调员1人,办公室员工4人.
The Manufacturing Technologies Association (MTA) is the UK’s trade association for companies in the manufacturing technology sector. MTA成员设计, 制造和供应先进的机械, equipment and intellectual property that enable the creation of the products we rely on from day to day and that drive our economy. Key aspects of manufacturing technology include; machine tools, 切割工具, 计量(测量)设备, 增材制造(3D打印), 365betapp下载, 机器人和计算机辅助设计与制造产品(CAD/CAM), as well as the technology which is enabling the digitalisation of manufacturing – the fourth industrial revolution. The MTA delivers: marketing support and networking opportunities; specific and relevant economic and technical information; representation to Government and other stakeholders; help for exporters; and support for learning and development within member companies and beyond. The MTA owns and runs MACH, the UK’s premier event to showcase manufacturing technologies.
The 制造业清洗协会 is a community of manufacturing and industrial cleaning professionals networking, 互相分享和学习. 它的使命是提供世界一流的教育和培训机会, to create unique and engaging networking events for manufacturing and industrial cleaning professionals and to establish and hold strict industrial standards that answer the question “how clean is clean?”. The 制造业清洗协会 wants to showcase and share the expertise from within its diverse membership. 行业标准系列包括文章, white papers and resources provided by MCA members and experts sharing information to make the industry stronger. 在投寄到合集之前, all content is curated through a strenuous process by the MCA’s Technical Advisory Committee.
The trade magazine mo magazine for surface technology provides information on up-to-date topics of functional and decorative surface treatment of metals, plastic, 玻璃和木材. 通过其独家文章, 背景的报道, reports and product information mo magazine for surface technology offers trade orientated information for the professionals and decision makers.
ICT是ipcm®专用于工业清洁的补充产品, 金属抛光, 大量金属精加工, 超精加工, shotpeening, 和一般的365betapp下载. ICT provides success stories and technical case-studies about the application of new technologies, 涵盖工业零件清洗各个方面的技术文章, 365bet和市场概览. 它的读者是由oem的决策者, 不同工业领域的零部件制造商, and metal finishing shops which have to provide a high cleanliness level to their parts. 除了 ICT is read by research institutes, university centres and laboratories.