Use of modified alcohol instead of perchloroethylene for cleaning deep-drawn and extruded parts
在SFS intec AG位于瑞士弗拉威尔的工厂, a need to expand capacity as well as environmental considerations called for the replacement of an existing cleaning system using perchloroethylene. 该公司选择了根据其具体要求量身定制的EcoCcore设备. Ecoclean提供的新型清洁系统依赖于改性酒精. 得益于创新的清洁技术, it doubles the throughput at reduced per-unit costs while further enhancing cleaning quality.
The history of SFS began in 1928 with the Stadler hardware store in the town of Altstätten. 今天, SFS Group AG of Switzerland is the global leader in mechanical fastener systems and precision formed components. 这些物品都有自己的用途.g., 在汽车行业, 建设, 机械紧固, 电, 电子产品, 航空和医疗设备行业.
服务于汽车行业及其分层供应商, SFS intec AG manufactures cold-formed and deep-drawn components as well as plastic injection mouldings and assemblies, e.g., for airbags, restraint systems, brakes, and active and passive safety devices. The production of these safety-relevant parts takes place at the company's European headquarters site, 以及亚洲和北美. 这家位于瑞士圣巴伦西亚州弗拉威尔的工厂. Gallen生产各种金属的深拉和挤压产品.g.钢、镀镍钢带、铜、黄铜和铝. 这些零件在离开印刷机后都要清洗. “在清洗过程中, it is necessary to meet the specific customer's demands regarding particulate cleanliness. 不用说, 零件也必须无油脂。”, Markus解释道Stäheli, 弗拉威尔SFS中心表面技术主管. 因为应用不仅仅是去除颗粒, 磨蚀渣, 乳剂和压制或拉伸液,但也包括氯化切削油, the company used to run a solvent-based cleaning system relying on the use of perchloroethylene (PCE).
As the existing system had reached its capacity limit, investment in a new one was needed. Naturally, the new plant was to provide a certain capacity reserve for the future. 除了, SFS intec at Flawil wanted to do away with perchloroethylene in order to improve its environmental performance as well. 记住这组规范, the company contacted three equipment manufacturers of which Ecoclean GmbH finally won the contract. The SFS Group was already using around 25 cleaning machines – including six EcoCcore systems – worldwide from this manufacturer. This innovative solvent-based system with its transparent glass design supports the use of both hydrocarbons and modified alcohols. Operating under a full vacuum, it comes with an extensive standard equipment list which comprises, e.g., 两个水箱, 热回收, 全流和旁通过滤, and various additional features to improve its cleaning performance and quality while cutting per-unit costs at the same time.
„Ecoclean informed us in great detail about the capabilities of this new system and the use of modified alcohol. We were thus able to attain our objective of improving the site's environmental performance", 马库斯说Stäheli. Nevertheless, removing the chlorinated oils from the product proved a challenge. 这是与Solvadis共同解决的, 化学品供应商, who conducted extensive oil compatibility tests and solvent analyses that yielded a suitably stabilized modified alcohol. At SFS intec, solvent quality is tested regularly using 化学品供应商's test kit. 如果有必要的话, the solvent can be perfectly adjusted again with the aid of a matching stabilizer to maximize its service life. 结果通过an进行的清洗试验得到了验证 EcoCcore 在一个设备制造商的测试中心. „Ecoclean really gave us good support in connection with our switch from PCE to the partially polar solvent", Markus Stäheli笔记.
至于第二个目标,我.e.提高产能以适应未来的增长 EcoCcore 是为这个目的而设计的吗. With a work chamber designed for part containers measuring up to 670 x 480 x 400 mm as standard, it can handle a batch volume exceeding that of its predecessor by about one-third. 相应的, SFS intec can now combine four (instead of two) of its commonly employed 480 x 320 x 200 mm cleaning baskets to form one batch, 从而使吞吐量翻倍. 批重量最大可达200公斤左右. 至于670 × 480 × 300毫米的零件集装箱也由本公司使用, 一个特殊的适配器允许这些在新机器中使用.
“除了增加机器容量, a slightly shortened cleaning cycle contributes further to the system's enhanced throughput", Markus Stäheli补充道. 这是由于 EcoCcore 工程理念旨在提供高清洁性能和质量. 它包括以下特性:e.g.,创新的预蒸汽脱脂步骤. 有了这项技术, 载油馏出物不进入储罐, 与惯例相反, 而是直接进入一个容量几乎翻倍的蒸馏装置. This design minimizes oil deposits in the flood tank while counteracting an oil enrichment of the solvent.
In order to meet SFS intec's high cleanliness standards, the machine concept was suitably customized. 因此, the unit is equipped with an ultrasonic system in addition to its standard injection flood-wash functionality. 作为一个创新的特点, 超声波可与过滤功能同时使用, 容积流量采用变频调速. Particles are thus discharged concurrently as they are removed and cannot settle in the work chamber. Filtration is performed by a bag filter with integrated mag网ic separation plus a downstream cartridge filter in the case of flooding tank No.1、同时注水槽号. 2由两个滤筒过滤.
A further option ordered by SFS is an add-on module comprising a third flood tank for a preservation step. 所有不锈钢储罐都没有内部加热器配件, 哪一种能消除芯片和污垢收集器.
考虑到SFS中心的面积情况, 维修舱口配置为配套设计的卷帘门.
The machine is loaded via a twin-track roller conveyor on which the loads are placed. The operator removes the routing documents for the job and scans their bar code with a reading device. The plant control system automatically selects the part-specific cleaning program and starts it once the door of the work chamber has closed. Due to the great diversity of parts, SFS intec uses around 50 cleaning programs. 各种工艺参数, such as the times and intervals for the injection flood wash and steam degreasing cycles, 超声功率和持续时间, and the drying operation can thus be adapted accurately to the parts being cleaned. "With cleaning times of between 6 and 9 minutes, we achieve an outstanding cleaning quality with the EcoCcore. 此外, 清洁过程无疑变得更具成本效益。”, 马库斯Stäheli高兴地报道.
作者:Doris Schulz