微结构领域的技术进步和加工更大基材的需要要求在POG Präzisionsoptik Gera安装新的最终清洁系统. UCM AG公司提出的设备解决方案得到了客户的认可. 它使清洁未经处理的晶圆以及结构和涂层基板成为可能. 可靠地满足“颗粒不大于1µm”的洁净度要求.
When the Zeiss Works in Gera/Germany were closed down in 1991, 一群前高级管理人员领导了一项管理层收购,以保留和发展Gera光学制造的悠久传统, thus marking the birth of POG Präzisionsoptik Gera GmbH. Today, the company has 140 employees. It develops and produces, on the one hand, custom optical precision parts, 用于整个光谱范围的元件和设备. 这些产品被世界各地的客户用于机械工程领域, measuring technology, industrial image processing, medical equipment, laser technology, and the semiconductors and aerospace industries. On the other hand, 作为标准化和定制光学微结构的制造商,该公司已获得国际声誉, e.g.,网网格和尺度网格,USAF分辨率目标,针孔孔径和校准目标. 在这部分,POG可以处理所有内部开发和生产过程. “我们最近在技术选择范围和我们能够处理的基板尺寸方面扩大了微结构的制造. Consequently, a new final cleaning system was needed", reports Jan Schubach, one of POG's managing directors.
POG的光学微结构主要由b270玻璃和石英玻璃构成, as well as from ceramic and glass-ceramic substrates. A final cleaning step designed to remove dust, 未经处理的基材和添加结构和涂层后,抛光产品和指纹的超细残留物都是强制性的. 由于应用于基片的结构在某些情况下仅测量2 μ m, 洁净度要求颗粒不能大于1µm. POG在与各种设备制造商讨论其技术的同时,与外部顾问共同开发了一种解决方案,用于这些非常严格的清洁任务.
“我们正在为特殊用途寻找不同的清洁概念,例如清洁掩模或半导体行业的特定基板配置. 很可能,我们需要三个不同的系统来满足我们的需求. This prompted us to get in touch with UCM. 我们已经从这家设备制造商那里买了一套清洁系统, and our consultant, too, 在公司的另一个项目中积累了很好的经验。”, Jan Schubach explains. Swiss UCM AG, a member of the Ecoclean Group, 与POG和顾问一起修改和调整设备概念. "UCM addressed our proposals very flexibly, 凭借自身在光学产品清洁系统制造方面的丰富经验, the managing director remembers.
新的超声波清洗生产线共有11个工位, including seven immersion tanks. These are designed for the following process steps: wet loading, cleaning with multi-frequency ultrasound (40 and 80 kHz), megasonic cleaning, rinsing, fine-rinsing, infrared drying over an indexing belt conveyor, and unloading.
湿装操作和所有清洗和漂洗过程都是用demin进行的. (fully demineralized) water. Depending on the cleaning program, the rinse water is used in a cascade loop, discarded, or passed to a separate drain. This method contributes to the high cleaning quality, UCM开发的四边溢流功能也是如此,该功能在所有坦克上都使用. The cleaning or rinsing fluid enters the tanks from below, moves upwards and then exits by overflow on all sides. 因此,从产品中去除的异物将立即从罐中排出. 这避免了零件卸载过程中的再污染,同时也防止了在储罐中形成污垢袋. 此外,基材的处理非常彻底和均匀.
The rinse tanks come with another special design feature. 水以高压泵入这些水箱,从而引起湍流. This suffices, in conjunction with the product movement, to rinse the substrates without ultrasonic assistance at present. However, 机械设备和控制系统都准备好支持未来的超声波集成,以便用户能够快速灵活地响应更严格的要求.
The cleaning system is integrated into a cleanroom. The substrates to be treated, measuring up to 10 inches in size, 是否手动放置在系统的处理架上的特殊磁带中. 然后操作员选择合适的特定零件清洗程序. 这被存储在系统的控制器中,并决定在每种情况下使用哪个站和哪些处理参数.g.超声波功率和频率,停留时间-应设置为每个水箱. 以确保准确地遵守每个站点的规定治疗时间, 柔性控制系统支持“优先时间”输入。. “我们目前正在为不同的基材开展10个项目,并从一开始就在所有清洁任务中取得了优异的效果. 清洁系统自2015年3月投入使用以来,一直运行平稳. Indeed, 我们没有看到这种复杂设备通常会遇到的任何初期问题。”, Jan Schubach notes with satisfaction.
Author: Doris Schulz